Recently I had a little problem that I managed to solve with help of StackOverflow site.

The ld program that links libraries to application couldn’t find existing library what I think is common problem on GNU/LINUX systems. Fortunately solution is easy and everything is described in this thread. In shortcut the problem can be solved by linking existing library to a file that ld is looking. And that file could be found by running ld command with –verbose option. In my case command looked like this:

ld -IGL --verbose

on the bottom of the output are directories that LD is looking for specified file. Existing file could be found by command locate:

locate libGL

Final step is to make sym link of the located library to a file what is LD program looking for:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ lib/

And in my case that is all what I needed to do.

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